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Search: Posts Made By: goswald
Posted By goswald On 14-12-2004 | Views: 4,235 Replies: 1
Forum: Animation
I need to animate a badly rigged character, as soon as I rotate the direction he moves, the IK's stay in the original direction, is there a way to automatically rotate the IK's so they move in the...
Posted By goswald On 26-03-2004 | Views: 3,006 Replies: 2
I want to beable to create a impact zone for a meteor. I want the ground to crumble and leave a path in the ground. What is the best way to do this.

Posted By goswald On 17-03-2004 | Views: 2,522 Replies: 4
Forum: Animation
I am wanting to animate a magazine book paging through. What is the best method?

Posted By goswald On 12-03-2004 | Views: 1,397 Replies: 1
Forum: Animation
I would like to know if it's possible to attach a object to a motion path and then detach it halfway through the anim for further KEY FRAMING.
Posted By goswald On 11-02-2004 | Views: 1,352 Replies: 2
Here is a screen of the objects seperated. Don't know if it'll help :confused:
Posted By goswald On 11-02-2004 | Views: 1,352 Replies: 2
I would really like to attach these surfaces and Maya says that Trimmed surfaces can't be attached, is there any other way around this or should I just parent the current objects unattached.
Posted By goswald On 05-12-2003 | Views: 3,639 Replies: 9
Forum: Maya Modeling
Why do most of the commercial or really good models look different from mine. Each polygon looks like triangles and mine don't, why is this?
Posted By goswald On 06-11-2003 | Views: 2,916 Replies: 11
Forum: Maya Modeling
Well, after merging some of the vertices it seems to be working :D
I'm now gonna spend most of my time merging the CV's :)

Thanks Guys!
I'll let you know how the project turns out, its my first...
Posted By goswald On 06-11-2003 | Views: 2,916 Replies: 11
Forum: Maya Modeling
Would I have to go merge each CV seperately? I Didn't realise my model was so messy :)
Posted By goswald On 06-11-2003 | Views: 2,916 Replies: 11
Forum: Maya Modeling
This is certainly getting irritating, i have attached the model file, so maybe that will help


I want to merge the rest of the door with the front panel.
Showing results 1 to 10 of 13