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Search: Posts Made By: MadVlrus
Posted By MadVlrus On 11-05-2007 | Views: 2,584 Replies: 11
So am I?
Posted By MadVlrus On 06-05-2007 | Views: 2,584 Replies: 11
Cool man thx! :attn:
But... I think it is only import, is there a way to xport as .3DS as well?
Posted By MadVlrus On 02-05-2007 | Views: 2,584 Replies: 11
Where can I find these 'Bonus Tools' ? :)
Posted By MadVlrus On 02-05-2007 | Views: 2,584 Replies: 11
Wel, thx guys for explonation, just 1 last thing, as you seem to know about 3ds Max AND maya and 3ds max are on the same company there ANY way I can open .3DS models in Maya?
Posted By MadVlrus On 02-05-2007 | Views: 2,584 Replies: 11
I still don't really understand why does 1 company produce 2 different 3D programs? :P

Can you please maybe mind explaining what are the pros and cons of each? I wanna try to learn a good 3D...
Posted By MadVlrus On 02-05-2007 | Views: 2,584 Replies: 11
Well this is kind of a noobish quastion but, except the prise what exactley is the difference between 3Ds Max and Maya? I mean like major differences, not like "well, it loads 2 sec faster" :P
Posted By MadVlrus On 01-05-2007 | Views: 2,121 Replies: 6
Well, at least I can kind of open the OBJ model, thanks :P

I just want to try and somehow get Warcraft 3 *MDX models into Maya and there is a program called Biturn which can convert the *MDX into...
Posted By MadVlrus On 01-05-2007 | Views: 2,121 Replies: 6
Hey guys? Is there any way to open/edit/save ANY of the following extansions?:
Posted By MadVlrus On 19-04-2007 | Views: 2,179 Replies: 3
That option is only Move and Rotate, NOT for scale. >.<
But I just cannot it by DEFAULT that Scale tool is set to object rather then world or did I just messed something up?

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