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Search: Posts Made By: Classical
Posted By Classical On 07-04-2011 | Views: 4,848 Replies: 6
Hey, so here's an updated version of my character here. Got him rigged and posed

Havent done anything with the beard yet. turn-ins are on tuesday, and I really wanna go as far as I can with this...
Posted By Classical On 05-04-2011 | Views: 13,522 Replies: 25
Hey Kurt!

Just wanted to point out, as you've probably heard before, that all your models have certain similarities to each other. I've been following your work on and off for many years. I...
Posted By Classical On 04-04-2011 | Views: 4,848 Replies: 6
Hey! Here's an update on my character design project.
Been too busy to post updates really. Or it hasn't been on my priority list, at least.

Basically had to learn texturing from scratch to do...
Posted By Classical On 17-03-2011 | Views: 4,848 Replies: 6
Hey guys! So this is my current concept and progress for our 3rd (out of 4) major assignments for this year. Decided not to go for the kind of hard-edge style I was playing with in my last post....
Posted By Classical On 24-02-2011 | Views: 5,113 Replies: 3
It's a lot of fun ! I realized before starting that as far as a "normal" job goes, it was either this or pretty much nothing..And actually beginning and really getting into it has only confirmed it. ...
Posted By Classical On 24-02-2011 | Views: 5,113 Replies: 3
Hey just started a bachelor in 3D Design and Animation in Norway Last august. We've been through interiors,(modeling,texturting,lighting,rendering) and some simple animation, and just moved on to...
Posted By Classical On 24-02-2011 | Views: 4,129 Replies: 4
Thanks a lot, and sorry about posting in the wrong area, there were just no posts here so I didnt think people would see it. My mistake!

Posted By Classical On 23-02-2011 | Views: 4,129 Replies: 4

Ive been following this forum regularly for many years, stopping by to check out what people are doing and to be inspired. This forum is one of the things that got me into 3D, or that made...
Posted By Classical On 14-09-2010 | Views: 3,082 Replies: 7
Didnt show up in the previous post, trying again:
Posted By Classical On 14-09-2010 | Views: 3,082 Replies: 7
Here's an update from todays work. I am really not happy with this at all, so many things that just annoy me. The texture on the cabinett or whatever it's called, is def not permanent, just something...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 18