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Search: Posts Made By: Chirone
Posted By Chirone On 09-01-2017 | Views: 214,621 Replies: 301
That really sucks to hear :(
Are you able to pursue legal action?
Posted By Chirone On 14-07-2016 | Views: 239,069 Replies: 140
It's a good idea to go through a few of the tutorials that come with Maya. I found that after doing those I could figure out most of what the older tutorials would be talking about
Posted By Chirone On 27-11-2013 | Views: 5,832 Replies: 6
dirty means the document needs to be saved because there are changes.

You save the project and it still asks if you want to save even though you haven't done anything.
Posted By Chirone On 27-11-2013 | Views: 5,832 Replies: 6
Seems like a really nice idea!

I can't think of anything annoying, but the project always being marked as dirty is just odd. Not annoying, but really odd.

I haven't touched Maya for a long long...
Posted By Chirone On 19-06-2013 | Views: 4,586 Replies: 1
it's because there's nothing to redo.

Maya's undo stack is VERY fine.
So fine that selection is undo-able and redo-able
eg, if you hit undo then click somewhere, anywhere, then it will kill the...
Posted By Chirone On 17-04-2013 | Views: 7,843 Replies: 13
good to you are coming back for this.

I know you said you're going to work on the head first but it looks like the back most wings would fall out from their brackets and there's something funny...
Posted By Chirone On 20-03-2013 | Views: 7,610 Replies: 23
I changed the shader on the orange transparent pieces to a mia_material, I gave them refraction colour that the internet said the colour is. Either I'm not lighting it correctly or the material isn't...
Posted By Chirone On 17-03-2013 | Views: 7,610 Replies: 23
I suppose do get that effect I would change the shadow colour? Or is there a different way to do it?

thanks for that Bullet. I'll have a look at it in a few days when I get a chance to look at...
Posted By Chirone On 17-03-2013 | Views: 7,610 Replies: 23
sort of but not really...
Posted By Chirone On 17-03-2013 | Views: 7,610 Replies: 23
Looks ok to me but it probably isn't. I'm no good at judging these things
Showing results 1 to 10 of 500