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Search: Posts Made By: vgcollector666
Posted By vgcollector666 On 19-09-2008 | Views: 4,705 Replies: 13
Thanks for the help so far you guys, however I must say, I'm a n00b at this so not much makes sense to me. I did find a nice tutorial here: Would that...
Posted By vgcollector666 On 18-09-2008 | Views: 4,705 Replies: 13
I don't know if I should start a new thread for this but, what are some pointers, tips, helpful hints, etc. for creating a high-poly character that will be animated eventually? Any and all help will...
Posted By vgcollector666 On 18-09-2008 | Views: 4,705 Replies: 13
I plan on making high poly models for my video game project, the high poly ones will be for cutscenes and I can "downgrade" them to lower poly for in game right?
Posted By vgcollector666 On 18-09-2008 | Views: 4,705 Replies: 13
Those are the two I know of right now, but also I've heart to bend the legs slightly, palms facing forward, etc. What do you guys think would give me the best results come time to model in maya?
Posted By vgcollector666 On 18-09-2008 | Views: 4,705 Replies: 13
Hi, Next week I am having my models come in for a shoot for my characters which I will be creating. My question is this: In addition to the Front, 45°, Side, and Back photos, what else should I do? I...
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