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Search: Posts Made By: Exdaix
Posted By Exdaix On 13-11-2005 | Views: 18,006 Replies: 145
Hey, I'm coming in late to this thread, but my family owns a Dyson... if you need any close-up shots of the details anywhere, just ask. I head home from college on Friday the 18th for Thanksgiving...
Posted By Exdaix On 20-10-2004 | Views: 4,522 Replies: 21
Just a small update - I am still working on this, fear not. Just work has been piling up again... so I will be unable to work on it for another day or two. Stay tuned, the T-Rex will get finished,...
Posted By Exdaix On 18-10-2004 | Views: 1,489 Replies: 3
Yea, your material must be really reflective, and it is picking up the base and the gem. Nothing out of the ordinary... it's just the shape of it.
Posted By Exdaix On 17-10-2004 | Views: 1,489 Replies: 3
It's kind of tough to see because your image is in 256 color mode... (I assume it is a gif) Could you please re-attach it as a jpg or png?
Posted By Exdaix On 17-10-2004 | Views: 4,522 Replies: 21
Today I fixed the nostril quite a bit, changed the indentation to the skull, worked on the stomach some more, played with the lower jaw, and added the flap of skin that is in the corner of the mouth....
Posted By Exdaix On 16-10-2004 | Views: 4,522 Replies: 21
Here is my current progress... remember all of this is completely re-built since I kinda broke the last one. :confused: You can see the hand, which still needs detail but I think the fingers look...
Posted By Exdaix On 16-10-2004 | Views: 1,329 Replies: 2
Wow, that is really really nice!

I love the details in the face, especially the ridges along the top and the eye brow... I'm still trying to figure out how to attack that.
Posted By Exdaix On 14-10-2004 | Views: 4,522 Replies: 21
Ok, short update:

After killing my model beyond help, I re-built it from scratch. It actually worked out for the better because my limb connections are much, much cleaner, my fingers on the hands...
Posted By Exdaix On 11-10-2004 | Views: 4,522 Replies: 21
Well I'm using Maya 5 right now, but I'll try converting it a lot of times with different settings to see if I can get it fixed... if not I'll have to take a trip to the 3D Animation Hall at my...
Posted By Exdaix On 11-10-2004 | Views: 4,522 Replies: 21
Someone? Anyone? Kurt? Please... anyone help...

I fear I will have to re-model the T-Rex if an answer to this problem cannot be found. (Which won't be too big of a deal since I just started to...
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