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Search: Posts Made By: Woody8713
Posted By Woody8713 On 03-05-2011 | Views: 3,660 Replies: 3
Fixed it. The Ray Depth Limit was set to 1 so I dropped that down to 0 and it is now smooth and perfect ^^
Posted By Woody8713 On 03-05-2011 | Views: 3,660 Replies: 3
Thanks for your reply. I've tried adjusting the settings and its not made any difference. I was using an ambient light, but I tried changing it to directional and it mostly fixed it. the shadow is...
Posted By Woody8713 On 02-05-2011 | Views: 3,660 Replies: 3
My first post here. Been trying to set up my shadows for a project. Problem is as you can see in this picture, the shadows are jagged and just going over the polygons. I dont know why its doing...
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