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Search: Posts Made By: MayaStudent
Posted By MayaStudent On 18-06-2004 | Views: 2,805 Replies: 1
Hi there, I hope I can explain this so you guys can understand, I want to have a 3d logo which is animated turn into the 2d image the customer gave me, sort of like a fade.

So the animation runs,...
Posted By MayaStudent On 02-06-2004 | Views: 1,595 Replies: 4
Ok, sounds simple enough

Posted By MayaStudent On 02-06-2004 | Views: 1,595 Replies: 4
no one can help? I really need to know how to do this and I'm completely lost, I've searched the net and have come up with nothing, the alias tutorial no longer exists.
Posted By MayaStudent On 02-06-2004 | Views: 1,595 Replies: 4
Hi there, I'm working on doing a glass shader but I can't seem to understand how to go about doing it, it is for a Lightbulb object

Can someone help me out, I've looked all over the place but...
Posted By MayaStudent On 27-05-2004 | Views: 6,497 Replies: 9
Ok, I tried revolve and it doesn't revolve the way I want it too, I've tried all axes and still doesn't revolve the way it should.

It revolves the opposite direction for some strange reason.
Posted By MayaStudent On 27-05-2004 | Views: 6,497 Replies: 9
Hi guys, what is the easiest way to modify a simple light bulb? I've tried lofting curves but it doesn't seem to work.

Could ya help me out:D
Posted By MayaStudent On 19-05-2004 | Views: 1,718 Replies: 3
sorry I have a network card and a modem, but it doesn't want to work for some reason
Posted By MayaStudent On 19-05-2004 | Views: 1,718 Replies: 3
Ok, I have a internal ethernet card/network card but it still says I can't run maya
Posted By MayaStudent On 19-05-2004 | Views: 1,718 Replies: 3
Hey there

Do you need a ethernet adaptor to run maya?
Posted By MayaStudent On 14-05-2004 | Views: 2,180 Replies: 3
Great thanks man, also what is the best way to go about making a good glass shader? I'm new at texturing and lighting, just got used to modelling and broadening my skills
Showing results 1 to 10 of 101