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Search: Posts Made By: yoruneko
Posted By yoruneko On 21-10-2014 | Views: 5,193 Replies: 1
Forum: Programming
Hi everyone,

don't know if my subject title is clear so let me elaborate.

when you duplicate a group in maya, it increments the group name but not the said group members, exemple:
group01 -...
Posted By yoruneko On 26-07-2012 | Views: 12,028 Replies: 9
Forum: Programming
allright I got it.

the most tricky part was loading python from the marking menus. It wouldn't work because I didn't load maya.cmds in my .py now it's working, oh the glory...

Well, I pat...
Posted By yoruneko On 26-07-2012 | Views: 12,028 Replies: 9
Forum: Programming
This is the first thing I tried, doesn't work. There's no clear command coming out of history like addtoSet and so forth..
But thanks for your kinda weirdly aggressive advice!

actually I have no...
Posted By yoruneko On 26-07-2012 | Views: 12,028 Replies: 9
Forum: Programming
Ho man you didn't read my first post :)
Posted By yoruneko On 26-07-2012 | Views: 12,028 Replies: 9
Forum: Programming
Ok I couldn't wait so I teached myself some python, that was super simple actually!

def add2Set():
selection =
myObject =selection[0]
cmds.sets( (myObject), add='SET01'...
Posted By yoruneko On 26-07-2012 | Views: 12,028 Replies: 9
Forum: Programming
Hello guys!
I was wondering how hard it would be to write two commands:

one would be "add current object(s) to set XX"
and the other "remove current object(s) from set XX"

thing is, I don't...
Posted By yoruneko On 26-04-2012 | Views: 4,267 Replies: 1
I don't know crap about fluids but it's super pretty!
Have you looked into the plugin called Soup, it's free and it has a whole bunch of awesome nodes to have particles follow animated meshes and...
Posted By yoruneko On 25-04-2012 | Views: 4,396 Replies: 11
The best course of action, if you want to streamline mod to shading process is to have the two teams in the same room and make them talk to each other.
Also have a fact sheet of dos and dont in...
Posted By yoruneko On 24-04-2012 | Views: 4,396 Replies: 11
It's not hard to do UVs, technically.
it's hard to make good UVs for a specific purpose.
UV unfolding is full of contradictory factors that make it hard to get the right result for the texture...
Posted By yoruneko On 20-04-2012 | Views: 9,043 Replies: 7
Forum: Maya Modeling
It is more and more frown upon, or totally forbidden in the industry to have intersecting objects.
There is a third solution, to cut the penetrating one and move the vertices as close as you can to...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 43