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Search: Posts Made By: Stephen
Posted By Stephen On 20-09-2022 | Views: 4,093 Replies: 0
Is there a script that can export groups within a single Maya scene as individual mb or ma files?
I have many scenes which hold up to 100 objects and I need to export each item.

Posted By Stephen On 29-09-2021 | Views: 6,387 Replies: 0
So who uses what project manager plugins/scripts.
I have used openPipeline for about 15 years and has always worked just fine, but with Maya 2022 switching over to Python3 I have to run Maya with...
Posted By Stephen On 29-09-2021 | Views: 7,269 Replies: 1
I cant believe I joined this website 20 years ago.
Posted By Stephen On 05-02-2020 | Views: 4,760 Replies: 0
Hi folks.
As Highend3D or creativeCrash website is down for way too long, I really need the spider web script called KobVebs.

Has anybody managed to get this script in the past which they could...
Posted By Stephen On 18-11-2019 | Views: 17,872 Replies: 3
Hi folks.
I can no longer drag and drop onto the maya viewport!
scripts, images shaders, models. I get a circle with a line through it just not allowed.

Anyone else have this issue?

Posted By Stephen On 05-02-2019 | Views: 2,601 Replies: 0
Here's a new thing thats happening to me.
On saving a scene the animation snaps to frame one on save, no matter where the key was in the time slider.
I'm pretty sure this didnt happen before some...
Posted By Stephen On 27-03-2018 | Views: 2,649 Replies: 0
Hi folks.

My name is Stephen Hibberd and I work at I have been on this site for some years and thought it would be a good starting place to find some local talent.

We are...
Posted By Stephen On 11-06-2016 | Views: 15,135 Replies: 8
Delete Non-Deformer history. This will retain any defomation. Best pactise is to not use delete history on a rig. Make sure everything is clean before rigging..

To delete animation just delete...
Posted By Stephen On 19-06-2015 | Views: 4,062 Replies: 0
Hi all.

Just started looking into BF but i'm stuck at the first hurdle.

I have a liquid pouring out of my bottle onto a surface but I need to stop the pouring so I'm left with a puddle. How do...
Posted By Stephen On 06-04-2014 | Views: 6,015 Replies: 3
You can add material override from the shader attribute editor.

Select your Vray mat then at the top of the editor select attributes then Vray from the list and there you will see override mat
Showing results 1 to 10 of 248