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Search: Posts Made By: Hybridrainstorm
Posted By Hybridrainstorm On 28-04-2004 | Views: 3,182 Replies: 6
Thanks; and um, I don't know why then, but the computer I use at school has Maya 6 O.o Maybe my teacher's a beta tester or something? >_< *shrugs* Serves me right for trying to use the spiffy new...
Posted By Hybridrainstorm On 26-04-2004 | Views: 3,182 Replies: 6
How can I import a bunch of my old Maya 5 shaders to a Maya 6 program? Because of my using a school labratory for shaders, I am at a loss as to how I might import them in one swift installment. I've...
Posted By Hybridrainstorm On 13-04-2004 | Views: 35,120 Replies: 121
Aww, I caught a glimpse of the sleeping T-rex with the teddy while at a school computer and thought it was absolutely adorable. I was going to show my sister when I got home but it seems it's gone...
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