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Search: Posts Made By: satch
Posted By satch On 26-03-2004 | Views: 3,172 Replies: 5
I've seen this exact effect done using a 2d fluid in maya. It's fairly simple and renders pretty quickly. You can play with the tutorials at Alias or I think there are some fluid tutorials online....
Posted By satch On 18-03-2004 | Views: 72,917 Replies: 292
I'm truly tired of winter!
Posted By satch On 16-03-2004 | Views: 4,368 Replies: 2
You could also do this with a hardware render setup, multistreaks, color maped over life, turn down the transparency and turn on the color accum. Take it into comp package of your choice, do a few...
Posted By satch On 09-03-2004 | Views: 3,075 Replies: 9
You can't animate the opacityPP of an instanced obj, you are "instancing " a single object. A work around is to create several duplicates of your original obj, replace the texture on each of them...
Posted By satch On 09-03-2004 | Views: 2,909 Replies: 4
In your comp package just use a luma key. I'm not sure why the particles aren't rendering with an alpha, but from the pic above I think you can easily get away with a lumanance key, or changing your...
Posted By satch On 09-01-2003 | Views: 1,547 Replies: 5
You'll also need to colour correct, possably blur (depth), add shadows, make sure highlights are in the correct places ( same as in plate), match the films grain, etc... Basically you need to fit...
Posted By satch On 01-12-2002 | Views: 2,015 Replies: 4
As a total newbie, I'd also be interested in some particle specific tut's. Explosions, fire, water, anything dynamics related. I've been looking around on th web for a little while now, and have met...
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