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Search: Posts Made By: Renderizer
Posted By Renderizer On 27-08-2007 | Views: 2,654 Replies: 10
Hi David, thank you!

Great to see that you're still on board!

Posted By Renderizer On 26-08-2007 | Views: 2,654 Replies: 10
Well, if you've been to Hamburg, you should know that actually they DO have a lot of water there, yet all the Hamburgers (being very clever and observant people) try to avoid dipping as much as their...
Posted By Renderizer On 26-08-2007 | Views: 2,654 Replies: 10
Ah, yes...that name...I remember...long time ago...four tracks and a cheap mike to boot...not exactly TEAC, rather a Fostex or Yamaha...but still...*sigh*

Now, that sounds like a pretty nifty...
Posted By Renderizer On 25-08-2007 | Views: 2,654 Replies: 10
No, not really.

I'm playing (acoustic) guitar, plus a number of other stringed instruments.

When it comes to music, I'm using the computer only for some rather low-profile editing of my home...
Posted By Renderizer On 25-08-2007 | Views: 2,654 Replies: 10
No, I wasn't really expecting any answers, so this one here comes in as a big surprise...

I just kinda stumbled over an old SM message which I still had in my Outlook mailbox a few days ago and...
Posted By Renderizer On 13-08-2007 | Views: 2,654 Replies: 10
Hi there,

haven't been around for some time...just dropped in to see who's still hangin' round SimplyMaya.

I can see Michael is still here, as well as Kurt - which is great!

As for me, with...
Posted By Renderizer On 30-05-2006 | Views: 1,488 Replies: 3
daffas: I'm using AvantBrowser as the frontend (which makes use of the IE engine), so that shouldn't pose a problem.

Matt: yes, it has been a while...almost a year, I guess. In the meantime, a lot...
Posted By Renderizer On 30-05-2006 | Views: 1,488 Replies: 3 there anything wrong with the upload management system? When I hit the 'Edit' button, nothing happens.

I'd love to change my provided eMail address, as the download section shows it to...
Posted By Renderizer On 29-11-2005 | Views: 13,607 Replies: 62
I think XSI is definitely worth a closer look, but I also think that Maya's dynamics/particles are still superior to those of XSI - even though it needs more noodling (so to speak) to get really good...
Posted By Renderizer On 17-11-2005 | Views: 1,263 Replies: 0
Forum: Maya Modeling

Ok, so I need to do a huge tent-like structure, made up of a rather odd shape, similar to the structure in this link:

Below you can see one of...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 276