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Search: Posts Made By: baheno
Posted By baheno On 06-09-2005 | Views: 1,650 Replies: 6
okay, the head is pretty much done, gonna add the eyes, and then I have the crown and the hair to create also.
Posted By baheno On 06-09-2005 | Views: 1,650 Replies: 6
okay, the armor's done, it's all smoothed and i've added the legs, I have some small problems with the armor, on the front of it, between the "peckers" there's some oddities in the geometry i have...
Posted By baheno On 06-09-2005 | Views: 4,454 Replies: 22
I really like your technique (sp?) for doing heads, anyway you might make a tutorial or maybe point an existing tutorial out on how to go about and use your technique, I think I can understand the...
Posted By baheno On 06-09-2005 | Views: 1,650 Replies: 6
okay, gone a little further now, the bottom part of his armor is done and smoothed for a test.
It weighs in at 2.2k tris so if I want to keep under the 3k limit I'll have to edit and delete some...
Posted By baheno On 06-09-2005 | Views: 1,650 Replies: 6
okay, the shoe is as good as done, all I have left ir to smooth it some, but all that's comming in when the whole model is done, so I can work with the polycount
Posted By baheno On 06-09-2005 | Views: 1,650 Replies: 6
I don't really know if I want to do a realistic version of him or if I want to make it look as closely as possible to the little sprite in the screenshot, might as well try and do both, starting with...
Posted By baheno On 06-09-2005 | Views: 1,650 Replies: 6
'nother image depicting the look I want to achieve with my model
Posted By baheno On 06-09-2005 | Views: 1,650 Replies: 6
Hah! Might as well try my luck in this comp aswell, seems like it's not as extensive as the last which fits me perfectly with having to do other projects at school, I'm gonna do the unnamed (i...
Posted By baheno On 31-08-2005 | Views: 7,696 Replies: 15
Okay, I'll start off with an explanation about my scene:

What I've tried to create is the feeling of fear using veriy inanimate and often seen friendly objecs such as legos and toy bears.

I had...
Posted By baheno On 29-08-2005 | Views: 10,174 Replies: 71
okay, the competition is nearing it's end and so is my contribution. It's been a rough week going back to school and startin the various 3d-projects we're about to do there and continuing on this...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 65