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Search: Posts Made By: astrocalder
Posted By astrocalder On 06-10-2008 | Views: 6,077 Replies: 16
Yeah I checked a Maya reference book I have and searched google, but not until I had a keyword did I really find what I was looking for. Because "polygon divisions Maya 2008" is too vague a search...
Posted By astrocalder On 04-10-2008 | Views: 6,077 Replies: 16
The challenge with getting help in programs like Maya is knowing what question to ask. All you really need is a keyword - in this case "construction history" - and you can find an answer. But...
Posted By astrocalder On 04-10-2008 | Views: 6,077 Replies: 16
Ahhhh thank you that was it. Sure enough there was a red X over construction history in the status bar.

Man, one wrong click in Maya can screw everything up...

This article was helpful if...
Posted By astrocalder On 03-10-2008 | Views: 6,077 Replies: 16
okay I screwed myself by somehow changing settings in Maya 2008 - it used to be I would create a polygon sphere, for example, with 20 divisions width and height. Then I would adjust the divisions in...
Posted By astrocalder On 03-06-2008 | Views: 1,926 Replies: 1
Hit "s" when the camera is selected to key its position/scale/rotation etc. This will automatically key each of them. If you want to only key Rotate X, for example, click Rotate X on the right of...
Posted By astrocalder On 03-06-2008 | Views: 2,713 Replies: 1
I'm working on a city street full of neon signs, which flicker due to auto exposure in the shader glow attribute. So I need to manually input the glow intensity, but I can't access the...
Posted By astrocalder On 12-02-2007 | Views: 1,643 Replies: 0
I have some text I want to pull along a motion path. It bends around a corner, and I want each letter to bend around it individually. The grouped text though is stiff, the whole word moves in...
Posted By astrocalder On 12-02-2007 | Views: 3,393 Replies: 9
that's an After Effects problem. You should render out your .mov as animation. When its in your render queue click on lossless>format options. Animation is the best. If you try doing video, for...
Posted By astrocalder On 07-02-2007 | Views: 4,503 Replies: 12
That's weird - the polygon doesn't even show up in the UV texture editor. wtf is this thing?

And by pre-smoothed I mean it hasn't been smoothed yet. The low-poly version. The model consists of...
Posted By astrocalder On 07-02-2007 | Views: 4,503 Replies: 12
No it comes pre-smoothed, I guess so it's easier to work with until you're ready to smooth it. Also I can't apply textures to it... when I do the surface turns into stripes. This isn't like any...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 76