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Search: Posts Made By: XRS
Posted By XRS On 10-08-2005 | Views: 3,269 Replies: 12
Yes, i agree with that too, but, i need free books to download, because in Portugal we dont have those books, so, if you could me send links to learn, step-by-step will be cool!!

Thanks to all...
Posted By XRS On 10-08-2005 | Views: 3,269 Replies: 12
Yes, i agree with that too, but, i need free books to download, because in Portugal we dont have those books, so, if you could me send links to learn, step-by-step will be cool!!

Thanks to all...
Posted By XRS On 09-08-2005 | Views: 3,269 Replies: 12
Thanks for the answer.

I know that i should begin with the interface and going on, but my problem, is findo something in the net that says like "here you can do this and this...", like that, do...
Posted By XRS On 09-08-2005 | Views: 3,269 Replies: 12
I have maya 7, and i dont know nothing about it...
Could you say what should i know before create my "art"??
Some links to the "gettin started", "ready to use" and these things...

And please,...
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