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Search: Posts Made By: contrast
Posted By contrast On 15-11-2004 | Views: 15,332 Replies: 83
Regarding your LCD monitor, are you sure that you have it at it's optimal resolution? You can find out what that resolution is from the manufacturer. I know that when LCD monitors are not set to...
Posted By contrast On 15-11-2004 | Views: 19,844 Replies: 82
Thanks for the comments everyone, I will have to adjust the nose, thanks for pointing that out Jango. Well, I went ahead and made the eye texture and I also modeled the eye. I modeled the eye in...
Posted By contrast On 13-11-2004 | Views: 19,844 Replies: 82
Thanks for the comments and encouragement Kerosene and jellyrollikeskulpcha. Here are the front and side shots of her head, why is it that the side always looks better to me than the front views?
Posted By contrast On 12-11-2004 | Views: 19,844 Replies: 82
Thanks for the tips Kerosene. Here she is now. Any suggestions?
Posted By contrast On 12-11-2004 | Views: 5,882 Replies: 32
Ahhhh, nothing like a girl in a tight top, tall black boots, and no pants. ;)

But seriously, looking good, what process did you use on the shirt?
Posted By contrast On 11-11-2004 | Views: 19,844 Replies: 82
I've reworked the head using Jango's references. They helped a good deal. Any suggestions? I'm a little stumped on what to change.
Posted By contrast On 11-11-2004 | Views: 15,332 Replies: 83
Michael McKinley has a good step by step tutorial on how to do that on his website.

Go to the tutorials section, then modeling.

Also there is a link to pre-order...
Posted By contrast On 10-11-2004 | Views: 15,332 Replies: 83
Good to see you making progress on this, I know these things can take a long time.

The thing that jumps out at me is that there seems to be to many (can't think of the right term.. not uv's, not...
Posted By contrast On 10-11-2004 | Views: 5,882 Replies: 32
Your speed amazes me, you really made that head fast as well. The only crit I can give is that the hands look a bit flat on top, but maybe that is all the detail that you need since you will be...
Posted By contrast On 07-11-2004 | Views: 19,844 Replies: 82
Thanks for the constructive critisim CGPMaya84, matthew_maners, and Jango. I've been pretty busy with other projects so I've just tried to finally finish this head, but I will now go back and rework...
Showing results 1 to 10 of 102