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Search: Posts Made By: Sruli B
Posted By Sruli B On 25-09-2009 | Views: 3,416 Replies: 0
Not sure why the buttons on my custom shelf aren't saving. I've tried hitting "Save all shelves," but that isn't working. Each time I open Maya I have to recreate my custom buttons. Any advice?
Posted By Sruli B On 01-06-2008 | Views: 3,308 Replies: 1
I'm rigging a character with the Setup machine, but I'd like to rig a basic, long skirt. I don't have NCloth - and my rigging skills are basic at best. Any suggestions?
Posted By Sruli B On 23-09-2007 | Views: 1,336 Replies: 1
I just downloaded a model of a computer keyboard from Turbosquid, opened it in WordPad, and changed the "8.5" to "7.0"

The model opened fine, but I get this error message:
"Error: Cannot find...
Posted By Sruli B On 07-07-2007 | Views: 2,208 Replies: 1
Hey, I downloaded a scene file from TurboSquid, but I only want a few of the props. I tried to delete everything I didn't want, but wasn't able to get rid of everything. Is there a way to export...
Posted By Sruli B On 06-07-2007 | Views: 1,320 Replies: 1
Stupid question, but I don't remember how to switch from world to object and vice versa when I translate. Does it work with cameras, too?
Posted By Sruli B On 12-02-2007 | Views: 2,405 Replies: 1
I spent hours today looking for tutorials on installing and running GI Joe. I found a video tutorial at 3-D Palace, but all I get is audio (I don't know which codec it uses).
I really know...
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