ok it's not too bad, however you seem to have paid more attention to putting the face in the flame than thinking about how that flame would actually affect the scene. You have a glass vase thing there, it's reflective right? so why isnt it reflecting the flame
also the flame seems to have no affect on anything in the scene whatsoever and so it doesnt sit well.
What I would do is add an orangey yellow point light and have it casting a subtle illumination on the scene. That will help it out a lot. Also you may want to do a reflection map (see the script I uploaded to do that) or raytrace the scene to get the reflections etc.
Oh and the scene is also a little too dark bring it up a touch, is that candle the only illumination? is so then you need to make it much more contrasty too. Remember candles dont illuminate that well 
Hope you take my comments as they were meant (as constructive critiscm) and not think I'm being mean for the sake of it.
Ps. Doghouse, welcome to SM
Technical Director - Framestore
Currently working on: Your Highness