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# 5 20-03-2004 , 01:17 AM
ctbram's Avatar
Join Date: Jan 2004
Location: Michigan, USA
Posts: 2,998
Okay it looks like these image planes are just drawn poorly and the size of the eye do not match. I looked at the final model from the book and it is clear that they just fudged an eye somewhere between what is drawn on the 2 image planes.

I have to freaking LOVE people that make tutorials for people with NO modeling experience then give them reference images that do not match! I am sorry but this is really a sore point with me.

I know in the REAL world you don't get matched front and side reference images but when I write a tutorial for complete noobs to give them drawings that DON'T MATCH then SAY USE THESE DRAWINGS TO BUILD YOUR 3D MODEL OVER is just stupid!

Once again I sit here and push and pull cv's for hours trying to match a single model to a pair of views the DON'T MATCH. Then after a day and half of trying to figure what the HELL I am doing wrong I find I could never match the model to the reference so I must ask - What is the point of the references?

You may as well give me a picture of a duck in one view and a frog in the other and then tell me to model a cow!

"If I have seen further it is by standing on the shoulders of giants." Sir Isaac Newton, 1675