Well as people may or may not be aware I am something of a manic overclocker. As such I have my main rig watercooled. This essentially is a pump, 3 waterblock (cpu, gpu and mobo) and a radiator. Being slightly different, ie mad, I decided to use a ford escort radiator. Not being overly fussed about looks I just removed one of the case side panels and bungie corded the sucker on. Now to have a good watercooling setup you need to remove the air, so if you return to you computer and hear a gurgling noise this is bad. Very bad. Air in means water out. Yes thats right the bottom of my case was now a nice swimming pool. Thankfully I powered off before the radiator connector permantly went twang and water went every were. So in closing if you want to watercool your computer make sure all your connections are VERY VERY SECURE!!! And now if you'll excuse me I think i'll go change my underwear......