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# 91 09-06-2004 , 11:58 AM
dragonfx's Avatar
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little nitpickings...user added image (being a teller has soured my mood even moreuser added image)
maybe a person or a car or something to give perspective, yeah its a 25tons or so monster but sizes look odd to me...
maybe the shadows too, i get the impression that in the comped buildings/sky the sun would be medium on the upper left corner, casting shadows to the right/lower right corner...?
and the specular of the tank, something to match the wetness of the street...
the front looks a bit noisy ...
does it reflects on the crystal door on the left on the animation?

toldya, just nit picking...

the pic is great!

Last edited by dragonfx; 09-06-2004 at 12:14 PM.