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# 69 15-06-2004 , 01:34 AM
blomkaal's Avatar
Join Date: May 2004
Location: Denmark
Posts: 816
Whoa!!! Really cool model, and awesome textures!

Just read the thread and got a few comments:

The abs look great now, but they looked a bit too square IMO, but with the texture, it looks great!

If you're still wondering what to do with the teeth (the vampire ones, don't know the english word user added image ), i suggest you try and pull the jaw or lower lip a bit out and try for a Warcraft orcish kinda look, and maybe make the teech point a bit backwards... Not sure how it's gonna look, but I think they are/were (can't see if you've changed them since the close-ups) a bit too pointy. And maybe you could make 'em a bit bigger this way...

But it's looking great so far, can't wait to see the final result! user added image


Liter is French for 'Gimme some ****ing cola before I break vous ****ing lips!"