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# 1 08-08-2004 , 01:14 AM
vagyb's Avatar
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Join Date: Sep 2003
Posts: 98

help plz, big headache problem

wow i'm starting to get a headache from this. i'm making a dragon for the dragon contest and i'm kinda noob. so my problem is that i decided to extend the top part of the head where the horns r into making the actual face (i'm making a styracosaurus). it was currently a nurb so i convereted into subdiv then from subdiv to polygon (so its smoother, is this correct?). now i have no idea how to make it all even cuz its with folds and shit here look at screeny.

the top part is messed up too. so ya i got a huge ass headache from this i keep changing it cuz i'm not happy wit it and now i can't even fix it :s so if any1 is kind enough to tell me a method of fixing it EVEN IF IT WILL TAKE A LONG TIME its okay wit me, i'm not expecting an easy solution.

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