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# 1 07-09-2004 , 11:45 AM
surfermcd's Avatar
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 214

AUG/SEP - Norm Surfermcd

Hi Ya

I'm entering this a wee bit late so I'm gona have to
move my butt to actually get this finished. (I hope I
make the deadline.) I thought that I like designing
really small looking things so I came up with a
Microsaurus Rex. I did a quick sketch and liked the
concept so I thought yeah! I will try this thing! So
here is the sketch. My next step is to take it into
Adobe illustrator and get the feel right.

Attached Images

<font size=3 face=arial color=blue>S U R F E R M C D </font><br>
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