Les Paul & other Maya Scots
As promised try these:
Centre for Digital Imaging (cdi), Duncan of Jordanstone College, Dundee. One to two days. https://www.imagining.dundee.ac.uk/cdi. Tel:01382345250.
This is a Maya Course.
Napier University, Edinburgh. Five weeks, part time.
https://www.napier.ac.uk. Tel: 01314552672.
This is a Max Course (if you are interested).
HNC Film Animatio & Multimedia entertainment
Motherwell College Lanarkshire. Two Years. https://www.motherwell.ac.uk. Tel: 01698 232 652.
Unfortunately that's all I got at the moment but if thse don't appeal I would imagine ringing them would help point you in other directions.
I would also recommend the Learning Maya Books, DVDs and CD-ROMs from AW (https://store.aliaswavefront.com/dr/v...P=0&CACHE_ID=0). If you buy off the net then you will incure £30 shipping fees so get em in the UK from Graphics Domain https://www.graphdom.co.uk/ they do them cheaper and if you buy before the end of October then you'll get em 10% cheaper.
Thus endeth my tips for Scotland...
Tickety boo and ta ta for a bit...