I’m on my second trek through the game, even thou I thought the ending could have been a WHOLE lot better then what it was, it was still fun to play, I can see where Kevin says the water way driving a round was kind of pointless but I think it was to give you a taste of what to expect when you get into the buggy on the beach. But when you hit the highways it could of been better, Ill still get part 3 But after I do a (Fight Club) number on all the Steam nod bases. Steam did catch 20,000 shared accounts, but man why would they make there paying customers go through the torment of waiting for the server to verify or validate the HL2 package every time I turn on my system? I’m glad I have a fast connection but still, I got time to go drop a duky wipe and flush before the fun starts. I hope they fix steam or I think it will turn a lot of people away from part 3, hey look steam just finished, I can play now,,,,,