Thread: Bot War
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# 50 16-02-2005 , 09:11 PM
twisteddragon33's Avatar
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Location: New York, USA
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killer bot man.

I like the particle effects and ia gree with the knee joint, with the agility you seem to be going for it would add a lot. but two things, I think the "Toes" of the feet should buckle and take the impact of the step when it moves(this would help convey its weight a little better. As someone said, looks like you could blow it over). And when it pivots on foot turns, like slides while turning. It should step to the side, shift weight, pick up its foot and place it accordingly. Thats all..

Oh i like the rusted one...

AIM: SublimeDragon33
Catch me if i'm on. Always up for a chat.