Wurd! Im back in the hiz-ous. Haha. Sorry about that. Im just siked that this thread is getting some attention. Ok, GOOD new, and BAD news from me as well guys. Good first. Im totally willing to start this sucker back up. Which brings me to the BAD news. Well, sorta bad, but good in the long run. My OLD system fried. A 2.8g processor, 258mb of ram, 80gig harddrive....all fried, from my stupid ass powersupply. It burned up, and took all but my sound and video card. So right now, Im running old parts I found lying around. Which is a AMD K6-2 500 with 128mb with only a 8gig hard drive. BUT.....Im getting a kick ass laptop from school. Its got a 2.8gig processor, 512mb of ram, 14-inch screen, 30gig harddrive, built in wireless LAN, and modem(which ill never use....LOL). But im not getting that untill the end of APRIL!!! It sux that I have to wait that long, but Ill be glad to get it. I still have a all my cars, but thats it. A few shaders...but I can always get those again. More good news, I can use my girlfriends computer, which is a 2.8gig processor, 512mb of ram, WITH Maya on it, so I can always use hers untill I get my laptop. So.....in that case...Im all go! Ill make a list of what we HAVE, and what we still NEED. So, just gimme a day or two, and itll be set. Ill talk to Vec and Forum, and its go time. Later.