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# 32 10-03-2005 , 04:44 PM
Hiraghm's Avatar
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Join Date: Jan 2004
Posts: 24
I have an idea for this one, and I'm considering entering even after the disaster of the last one:
I caught the flu
wrenched my back
broke a bone in my hand
drew scads of overtime
had the hd crash with my models on it
had the power supply die on my monitor.

So I hesitate to enter again; that may be God's way of telling me I shouldn't be doing 3D (or entering contests, maybe...)

Anyway, I've a cute idea I may try out (though I'm still trying to reconstruct my game art models from backups...)

Mike, would OpenGL graphics books count as art books? user added image
There's this book about character modelling with Maya I'd been hoping to get, if not...

"Even a brick wants to be something" - Louis Kahn