Hehe, no need to be sorry It's cool, like alienscience said, it will get moved to a relevent forum by a mod in their own time. I'll presume you've done the dog tutorial just in case we're not giving you anything new to work on. So in presuming this, my challenge would be to you - model something real from your bedroom. Something simple to start with such as an office lamp or your playstation2, your monitor, a joystick/pad, whatever you feel personally you could deal with (at a push) modelling wise. When you come across a problem you don't know how to get around, read a tutorial or download one. Of course one of the fastest ways to learn I think would be the free & vip tutorials - just work through them one at a time. In many of the free ones, with good observation, you can work it out without having to actually do it. Anyway, when you've decided what to work on, post in the W.I.P forum (work in progress) and if you need help for something specific someone will usually help.