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# 1 27-05-2005 , 12:06 AM
alienscience's Avatar
Join Date: Nov 2004
Location: In the middle of nowhere in VA
Posts: 749

Another school thing

Hi everyone out there. I might be better off posting this on some sound editing site, but oh well, I like SM alot. Hope the mods keep their undies undone on this thread. LOL, just playing. But anyways, I am doing a farewell speach for my 8th grade year and graduation to high school. I also need to select a song that relates to my middle school experience. I have selected one, but the problem is, IT CUSSES. I need to know some type of software that is good for say editing that type of stuff. I would by the song edited, but it is on an old CD, so they didnt have the parental advisory stuff back then. So please everyone help.