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# 21 14-06-2005 , 07:58 AM
surfermcd's Avatar
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Join Date: May 2004
Location: New Zealand
Posts: 214
Hey bro
Looking good with some nice clean modelling. I hope you have enough time to finish this one.

Just a point to note is that I think you need to work on the breasts just a bit more as they don't seem to have any weight or something is not quite right. Actually I think they may be too high.

I am also of the opinion that the part where the arm joins the shoulder is a little too defined. The shoulder muscle tends to flow more into the arm.

Here is the crunch tho - Modelling a human, in my opinion is one of the hardest things to do... Notice you have not seen any of mine Blah! I think that you are doing a wonderful job and keep it up!!!

<font size=3 face=arial color=blue>S U R F E R M C D </font><br>
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