Thread: Help
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# 1 27-06-2005 , 02:01 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Jun 2005
Posts: 2


Hi, I am, well the ultimate newb at maya, try, this is my first day. I have dabbled Lightwave, and worked a bit in Cinema 4d, but Maya is what I really want to learn. I was trying to follow this tutorial : I can follow the video just fine, and I am using Maya 6.5 Unlimited. When it says to go into the Hypershades, I do that, but as opposed to 'Create Material', I have 'Create Maya Nodes'. When I just follow the directions from there, even though I am not in 'Create Material', when I try to Middle-mouse-drag the material onto my plane, nothing happens, it simply changes to a different shade of grey. I tried rotating around in the Perspective view, but still no dragon image.:headbang:. Can anyone help me with this?
(Sorry that I am still a newb.)