July/August Challenge Rules and Guidelines!
For this challenge, lighting, atmosphere, and mood are the main judging points. Texturing is not a requirement.
The theme of this challenge is "Fear and Loathing".
1) Show concept drawings! Show your progress!
2) BONUS goal(s): As a bonus goal, texture your scene.
3) Label your thread thusly:
July/Aug - Norm or Noob - Your name
Choose to classify yourself as a Normal or Noobie class entry. Whichever class you choose is the class your final submitted entry will compete against! A winner will be chosen from both classes.
4) Mods and Admins can enter, but are inelligible to win and do not count toward the Grand Prize consideration of 3 entries mentioned below. If a mod chooses to participate, choose "Mod" class rather than Norm or Noob.
5) If 3+ Normal entries and/or 3+ Newbie entries finish among the 3 Simply sites participating (SM, SL, SMax), a Grand Prize will be rewarded to the class! VIP point prizes will be awarded to both a Normal and/or Newbie winner, if the Grand Prize criteria of entries is not met for that class.
6) Final entries must be posted into a Final Entry thread that a mod will create in the last week of the challenge.
The due date of the challenge is August 31st!
Normal Grand Prize -
Wacom Intuos3 A4 Tablet!
Newbie Grand Prize -
any 2 DVD's from any Simply site!
And guess what? The minimum entry requirement is lowered to be 3 or more!
Feel free to ask any questions here. The winners of the previous challenge will be posted as soon as the mod's judging completes.