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# 1 16-07-2005 , 05:05 AM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 203

problem exporting skin surface to shockwave

Hi there all,
I have this problem. After I skin my character with smooth bind, I tried exporting my project to shocwave but in the middle of exporting I get an error which states this....

"Error: pelvisJoint-skeleton: Error converting this object. Please check geometry, normals, shaders, and skeleton/skin data. Use Polygons | Cleanup to remove non-manifold geometry and faces with zero map area."

if any of you don't know what a "pelvisJoint-skeleton" is, it is an object node that holds all of the bones, surfaces, and shaders, that are all compressed into one node that the shockwave exporter creates. How it gets it's name is that it comes from the name of your root bone and adds the word "-skeleton" to it. So in other words if your root bone is called "hipJoint" then the exporter calles this node "hipJoint-Skeleton" etc.

Anywho, since I didn't save the file after I skined the surface, I re-opened the file so that now the surfaces are not skinned and tried the following....

1. polygon cleanup, and that didn't fix it.
2. I then tried looking at normals and I wasn't too sure what the program ment on that other than maybe reversed normals. However as for checking if there where any revered normals I couldn't find any that where reveresed
3. I then tried re-building the skeleton and re-skin the surface but that didn't fix the problem either.

4. As for shaders I don't see what could be wrong with that considering all my shaders are lamberts which is the basic shader that you use for shockwave.

5. The last thing I tried was doing process of limination. Doing so I found out that it is my character's shoes that is causing this problem.

So my question is without having to re-draw my character's shoes, do any of you know of anything that I could do to fix the shoes? Is there something in the properties that is set wrong? The normals seem to be facing in their right directions. The only thing I haven't checked was the input & output connections to the shoes. Do you think that could be the problem? If so then how do I reveal all input and output connections to a surface? I know that in hypershade window, you click on the input & output connections button but it doesn't seem to show everything to the selected surface.