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# 3 16-07-2005 , 04:24 PM
Join Date: Dec 2004
Posts: 203

more Shockwave/Maya support

I got an idea of what I can do. I found a web site that shows a listing of things that are not documented in the help file that comes with Director. At this site it states their are lingo scripts that allows you to use IK chains with-in Director. So basically what I am going to do is just not add any IK handles in Maya, but instead add them in Director. I can then write the scripts that will allow me to make my walk-cycle and other things that I want it to do. If any of you are interested you may email me and I will give you more information about how to do this. Eventally I will have a web site once I get the lingo script running and then all you would have to do is download the file. I would like to post back to let you guys know when it is ready but I don't know where I am allow to post my web site in this forum so I am going to look that up first.

Why I am saying this when tecknically this forum is usally questions just in Maya? The reason is because I am getting sick and tired not finding anything that has to deal with Maya and Shockwave. I had my charcter finished over a week ago, and I think it is about time this community needs more support on Shockwave/Maya. It seems that after doing a lot of researching on the net, most issues are delt with users using Plasma or Studio Max. Yeah, I do have Plasma, but support has been discontinued because they are not making this program anymore. However, in the Discreet discusion board users have said that Plasma is a smaller version of Max 4, but I could never find any docs on it. My guess on this is I think it is because Discreet has now just release Studio Max 7. In addition I will never think of buying this version considering that not only you need Studio Max, you also need Studio Character if you want to add any bones to your characters which I think it is stupid.