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# 1 01-08-2005 , 04:02 AM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 38

Apache Tut, a different aproach

Hi all Maya fans!

After finishing the Mech Tut (see that thread) I went on with the Apache tutorial. I followed it 'by the letter' to part 18 or something. I also spend some hours on the web collecting pictures of the real one AH-64A. Studing this pictures I was'nt satisfied how my model turned out so far concerning the propotions. The cockpit is very characteristic for the Apache and is tricky to make with all the angles and bends and the curvature of the nose.
I will tell you guys that the first 18 parts of the tutorial with kbrowns excelent way to show tips,tricks and tools raised my selfconfidence that I 'dared' to go my own way, that is do it all over again but this time start modelling from the front in order to get more control of the forms.
I started with a couple of nurbs curve of the profile, converted them to polygons extruded edges from the first to the second and
worked my way backwards.
I'm pretty satisfied with the result so far, and like to share the developement with you through this thread.
I've kept the tail from the tut and will attache it as the last part.
So here comes the pictures.
pic1: I made the cage complete with angles and bends before the doors and windows (I'll make a new post for each picture)

Attached Thumbnails