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# 12 03-08-2005 , 05:09 PM
Join Date: Feb 2005
Posts: 38

A comment to owmyi

Well owmyi. you can look at tutorial in two different ways (maby more)
First it could be the modern way to buy a plastic model and glue it together, put on some paint and you'll be satisfied, put it on the bookshelf collecting dust, and that's it.
Secondly, this is how I think of it, I use a tutorial as a guideline in order to develope my own fantasy and 'get the knack of it' so when I'ved 'glued' this one together I will feel confident that I can make a project of my own from scratch. ( thay is polys, when it comes to nurbs I'll probably need another tut(s)).
As kBrown stated in the first part of the Apache tutorial "this model is not so detailed but it's good enough for it's purpose", and he is right, Obviosly I've been doing a lot of tweaking and detailing thats's not part of the tutorial, For sure he could do the same, but instead of 33 parts he would probably wind up with 50,so I think this tutorial is perfect.
I'm working now on the nose part pretty detailed I thought that I could publish it tonight but I think I'll put on the night and daysight on the 'beercan' with the same technics as doing the doors and windows.
( for your information, english is not my native language so please forgive me of misspellings and other strange use of the english language)
It's a great tut, thanks kBrown.
See you guys