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# 1 19-08-2005 , 05:03 AM
Registered User
Join Date: Jan 2005
Posts: 5

Modeling problem

I am trying to make a human hand! I first create the five fingers and the base of the hand in nurbs culinders, then i converted them into poligon choosing CONTROL POINTS and then i merged the vertises at the union spot of the objects so i can create i fool hand!
The geometry is clean and identicly to all the fingers but in two of the fingers when i perfom SMOUTH to the hand at the union spot keeps a hard poligon geometry! The other two fingers work just fine! I think i have done something totaly stypid but i can find what! I will apreciate any help you can give me!
I have attach the rendered hand so you can see what i mean!

Attached Thumbnails