Here is the prob. I was following a car tut I got off the net, and all was well, then i wanted to make some fine adjustments to tweak the surface of the car, so I highlighted my vertices, and pulled them up and down etc. The problem was that when I moved them as a result I got a wierd kind of extrude. Other faces formed as i pulled them up.I rectified this by moving the new formed vetices down, but this can be right. Also when I wanted to extrude the car door a little from the car body, I highlighted all the polygons and went to extrude only to find that all the faces extruded in their own direction, and it ended up like some wierd abstract. I want them to all extrude together. Finaly, when I highlight the faces now, I dont just get markers in the middle of the poygons indicating each face. I also get markers on the edges. Is this right? I deleted these markers, is this perhaps why the poygons dont stay together? Hope you guys can help.