Wow thanks guys those were much better comments than I was expecting! Thanks for the tips! I'm trying a new bit of animation now with the same character as the last thing I posted ended up too cluttered to change.
I animated pose to pose until the end of his walk, then almost straight ahead for the rest. I was going to do the whole of this pose to pose then at some point couldn't resist the urge to try and refine it early on! Then when it came to editing I just messed things up I guess!
I have had about 5 years of doing CG animation (I'm only 21) have been trying out animating plasticine since I was 7 but this is my first almost successful try at a humanoid character!
I've animated a few short films but they have all centred around characters with hopping actions instead of walking.
I just bought the DVD by Jeff Lew which I'm working my way through now so I'll incorporate your tips and what I learn from this new DVD into my next post!
Many thanks again for the replies!