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# 6 06-12-2005 , 06:53 PM
Registered User
Join Date: Jul 2005
Posts: 11
video game design, just in the animation part at the moment. I feel like im in kindergarten doing this. a few parts i find simple enough and others are kicking my ass. I suck at drawing so if thats any indication.

i did try to throw a texture map on the face to define him instead of the modelling but cant get the hang of that.

i go to Keiser College in florida, only picked this school cause it was the first in the area to offer video game design. but its only a AS degree, and therefore its more like a intro to everything. I try to get help from my instructor but at times he just aggravates the hell out of me, so i don't ask all the time.

problem is im easily distracted and have a hard time concentrating for hours on end on it. and as a result you see it directly in my work. I still can't get the hang of some of the basic things. The book is hard to follow as we jump around, and once you get to a later part it assumes you know every step 100 percent by heart.

as for the images, i hosted them on fotki and its not allowing them for some reason.