I feel your pain. I've been trying to master the trax, and it's not being nice with me. I'm not sure I totally understand your problem, but... If your character includes the translate values (the outliner is your friend) then I'm guessing the error is within the trax. When you have sub-characters, you also need to add the pose in the Trax under their bars. Say you have the follwing in the trax after you hit the funny button with a stick figue and an addition sign: >Model >Sub-Model1 >Sub-Model2 You need to add the pose not only to the Model's section, but also to the Sub-Model sections, such that: >Model [# Pose #] >Sub-Model1 [# Pose #] >Sub-Model2 [# Pose #] Otherwise, check the character's value's and recreate the pose, and if all else fails, re-create the character. Well, that would be what I'd do.