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# 1 13-03-2006 , 12:12 PM
farbtopf's Avatar
Join Date: Jul 2005
Location: London
Posts: 520

independent motion?


I've just done the rigging for lowpolycharacter tutorial. It was realy good and helped a lot. Thanks Kurt.
I've seen some bits of a totorial from the maya "hyperrealistic series" or something like that. They had a technique which was called independent motion. Where you would hook joints up using constraints and creating weired things like jCon's jOri's and so on.
It was just a sort of sneak preview, so I could not actually follow the tutorial and try it. But it showed the result which was a pretty amazing skeleton.
Maye it would be nice to have like an extension tutorial for the low poly dealing with independent motion. (if that is the name for it)
I tried to work it out myself, but as I am quite new to this field I failed. And it did'nt seem very intuitive to me.user added image