Zbrush second try
Mirek03: Nop it's not a plug in, but an awesome program made by Pixologic. Of course you should try it out. However one word of caution, if you work with Zbrush, it's like finding a new hobby and could be quite addictive. Luckily, due to my lousy comp, I still love Maya more for ease of poly modelling.
You should try going to their sitesite and also the forum there, to check out how it works and the talented art piece produced.
Anyway, here's my second attempt at Zbrushing. After adding the body, it was disappointing to find out that my comp could not support anything more then 800k of polygon. I was hoping to reach 2 million poly details, but looks like I need to upgrade my RAM first.
This are from Zbrush, I am going to try to re-render in another comp, for my mental ray is not working. Only done the head and abit of the chest and back.
Here's the pics. C&C please, thank you.

Last edited by Sicnarf; 19-03-2006 at 09:28 PM.