mirek03, thanks for the comment. You just made me realize something, you sounded like one of my design lecturers (which is a good thing, they know their art, well. Award winning fellows ya know.) I still don't quite get it but somehow I understand what you mean. Let me clarify what I understand and you tell me if I am correct, k? In a way you mean the composition and design of the whole thing, face and armors and the intricate details, doesn't lead to one and another, nothing to hold the piece together. No sense of one-ness, so to say? But yeah, I came to notice one more thing far worse the P and N currently. The Pauldron is not shoulder friendly, the knight can't raise his hand any higher then his chest. Gotta redesign it. Maybe I should post a really quick and rough sketch for the model's design? Once again, thanks mirek03. I'll go check this book out, and yeah I heard of this book, something about drawing with the logic side of the brain. Keep the comments coming.