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# 5 24-05-2006 , 07:06 PM
Join Date: Nov 2004
Posts: 1,043
hey all modeling is tough yes but you can do it .... the dragon tutorial is very good ...alot of new stuff to learn . Yes it is hard at times but then again any organic modeling is.

The tree frog is a very good one too. I have it but have not tried it ..i have looked at it and viewed it is good. I just wanted to do a dragon.

If you are not familar with the tools of maya then i would say learn those.

also have you done the dog tutorial ? if so then either one would be good .

I would suggest either one or try something that is not organic a star ship or something like that is hard at times but if you are able to stay on track it is worth it ...

Kurt tutorials are very good . I have learned tons from it and very thankful ... also people here will help you out if you have trouble.

the dragon dvd does take you step by step as a beginner dont worry about that ... if you want to do a dragon . It shows alot of other tools that are basic to use and start off