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# 84 16-06-2006 , 10:27 PM
arneoog's Avatar
Registered User
Join Date: Mar 2006
Posts: 189
ah, okay user added image
It's way harder than I thought to create Materials...
But it's probably easyer when they don't need to be renderable...

I have no idea what U3dreal have done, hehe...

Sure I'm going to add your window/buttons user added image

here's what I've made so far:
It's not using the converter yet...

global proc abWin() 
window -title "About Maya -> Indigo" -h 200 -w 300 -sizeable false;
text -label "About Maya -> Indigo" -w 300 -h 40 -backgroundColor 1 1 1 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center" ;

text -label "" -w 300 -align "center";
text -label "Creators:" -w 300 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center";
text -label "Matt B. (mostly)" -w 300 -align "center";
text -label "Arne OOG" -w 300 -align "center";
text -label "" -w 300 -align "center";

	separator -w 300;

text -label "" -w 300 -align "center";
text -label "Copyright © 2006" -w 300 -align "center";

	window -title "Maya -> Indigo Controll Panel" -h 600 -w 400 -menuBar true -sizeable false;

	menu -label "Edit" -tearOff true;

		menuItem -label "Save Settings";
		menuItem -label "Reset Settings";
		menuItem -divider true;
		menuItem -label "Close" -command "closeWindow";
		menu -label "Help" -helpMenu true;
		menuItem -label "About Maya -> Indigo..." -command "abWin";

columnLayout -columnAlign "center";
text -label "Maya -> Indigo Controll Panel" -w 390 -h 40 -backgroundColor 1 1 1 -font "boldLabelFont" -align "center";

 			shelfLayout Materials;
shelfButton -annotation "Diffuse Shader" -image1 "commandButton.xpm";
shelfButton -annotation "Phong Shader" -image2 "commandButton.xpm";
shelfButton -annotation "Specular Shader" -image3 "commandButton.xpm";
 				setParent ..;

 			shelfLayout Lights;
shelfButton -annotation "Physical Sky" -image1 "commandButton.xpm" -command "sphere -r 0.5 -n Sun;";
shelfButton -annotation "Sky Light" -image2 "commandButton.xpm";
shelfButton -annotation "Specular Shader" -image3 "commandButton.xpm";
 				setParent ..;

 			shelfLayout Misc;
 				setParent ..;
 			setParent ..;

frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Render Setting" -w 390;

 			columnLayout -columnAlign "center";
				checkBox -label "Metropolis" -align "center";
				checkBox -label "Pathtracing" -align "center";
				checkBox -label "Bidirectional" -align "center";
	separator -w 390 -h 12;

optionMenu -label "Logging";
		menuItem -label "True";
		menuItem -label "False";

 			                setParent ..;
 			setParent ..;

frameLayout -collapsable true -label "Environment" -w 390;

 			columnLayout -columnAlign "center";

				checkBox -label "Physical Sky" -align "center";
				checkBox -label "Sky Light" -align "center";
	separator -w 390 -h 12;
				checkBox -label "HDR map" -align "center";
		attrNavigationControlGrp -l "HDR file";

 			                setParent ..;
 			setParent ..;

button -w 390 -h 30 -label "Generate XML code" -align "center"  -command "indigoOutput";
