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# 5 29-06-2006 , 03:24 PM
NeoStrider's Avatar
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Location: Cleveland, Ohio (USA)
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most times in after effects you can just import the sequence into your project or composition using file>import>footage file, and it usually recognizes image sequences, with a check box becoming available if you wish to import the whole sequence as a clip.

if your computer gets fussy about filenames with multiple periods then does it also have problems with long filenames as well? (meaning longer than 8 characters without the extension) if that's the case then somewhere you have 16-bit emulation on. but i digress. with photoshop and after effects if you can't seem to open a file straight out, try using the 'open as' or 'footage as' items and point the program towards what the file was supposed to be. it'll ignore the current extension and try to open your file using the method you choose.

as far as getting mental ray to utilize all the extension settings, i've got no clue. if you did press the wrong button, then you can close maya, delete your prefs folder, and it'll re-create them the next time you open maya. be warned though, it'll get rid of any nifty mel scripts or anything you've got customized inside that folder.

if that doesn't work, i'd recommend reinstalling maya and looking for the latest drivers for your video card. the last two seem to usually fix people's problems, but they're kinda last-resort. hope this helps, and good luck.

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